Over 23 years in teaching, I have directed, produced and choreographed many different types of productions. This also involved auditions, casting, rehearsal schedules, publicity, organising the box office and seating plan. The actual productions needed set, costume, props, make-up, lighting and sound as well as a stage crew, prompt and lighting and sound technicians.
Past productions:
Alice in Wonderland (own musical version)
Peter Pan
The Snow Queen (own musical version)
The Odyssey
Twelfth Night (A Post 16 musical version set in the 1920s)
The Bubblegum Tree (Specially commissioned for a Gifted and Talented group)
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (own musical version)
Our Day Out
Disco Inferno (Musical)
The Insect Play
Alice the Musical
Hercules, the Panto
The Seven-Sided Dice
The Rocky Monster Show
As well as these large scale productions, smaller productions have been produced for A Level examination performances, here are some examples:
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Romeo and Juliet
Trojan Women
Lord of the Flies
The House of Bernada Alba
James and the Giant Peach
An Inspector Calls
Shut up
Table Manners
Grimm Tales
Find Me
Lunch in Venice
Gum and Goo