In association with Ocean Academy of Dance, Saturday Drama Workshops take place half termly at Helston Community College.
These are open to anyone age 8+ and will focus on different skills and styles and include drama exercises and games.
Each workshop costs £10 (£7.50 for a second child) and lasts for 2 and a half hours long with a sharing of what has been created as a performance at the end of the workshop. The students will also have the chance to use sound and lighting.
Saturday October 14th 2017 - Shoebox Theatre
Saturday December 9th 2017 - Christmas Tales
Saturday March 3rd 2018 - Site Specific Theatre. Please note this workshop is for 11+
More to follow - is there a certain topic or theatrical style that would interest you? If so, please get in touch.
Bookings can be made through Ocean Academy of Dance e mail jo@oceanacademyofdance.co.uk